With more than 500 million users, LinkedIn is the world’s largest business network and an important hub for generating franchise leads. Here are a few important pointers that help you expand your franchise network.
Franchise Lead Tip 1: Build Your Brand
First impressions go a long way in business. Make sure that your LinkedIn company page looks attractive before you drive user interest to the page.
Once your business profile is 100% complete, don’t forget to setup a showcase page that promotes your franchise opportunities.
Franchise Lead Tip 2: Include Short Advertising Copy in Your LinkedIn Profile
Create a short 30-second ad that captures the features and benefits of your franchise stores. It is important to stress this aspect in your LinkedIn profile, to showcase your franchise.
If you are not doing this then you are leaving the field open to your competitors.
Franchise Lead Tip 3: Make Connections
The ‘Connect’ button in LinkedIn helps in building a relationship with people you may know and their connections. Connect aggressively on Linkedin. Search for related Linkedin groups, join them, and share your views regularly.
This will in turn increase your connections as well as the reach of your profile.
Franchise Lead Tip 4: Regular Posts Help
Regular scheduled LinkedIn posts help in driving prospective franchise leads to your business. Make sure that you post helpful information that will deliver tangible value to your target audience.
Avoid hard selling. Marketing posts should not be more than a tenth of your LinkedIn activity.
Franchise Lead Tip 5: Create Your Lead List
Spend a few minutes in listing the people whom you don’t know personally and schedule to connect. You can connect with them either through messaging or email. It’s advisable to create a list of prospects who require introductions before attempting to connect with them.
Franchise Lead Tip 6: Follow Your Competition
Following your competition is always an option to track and understand your target audience.
Observe your competition carefully. Note down their posts, pictures updated, profile description, etc. and see if any of it is worth emulating on your profile and showcase page.
Franchise Lead Tip 7: Invest Time to find Prospects & Referrals
Like any networking app, Linkedin too demands constant attention before you can reap business rewards. Spend time optimizing your profile. Visit others who are more successful, and see what they are doing differently. Look for LinkedIn apps that can make life easier for you. Respond to messages proactively, and don’t hesitate to message others.
Take your activity a few notches up, and the results can surprise you.
For more information on generating franchise leads on LinkedIn, Contact Us.